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Tantric technique

Tantric technique

FEEL THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF EACH PERSON AS YOUR OWN CONSCIOUSNESS. First feel that the other is conscious, and then this can happen -- you can feel that the other has the same consciousness that you have. REALLY, THE 'OTHER' DISAPPEARS, only a consciousness...

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Outer and Inner Guru

Outer and Inner Guru

Old scriptures say that the MASTER OR THE GURU -- the "outer" guru -- CAN BE HELPFUL ONLY IN FINDING THE INNER GURU. That's all. Once the outer guru has helped you to find the inner guru, the function of the outer guru is no more. You cannot reach to...

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Love has to arise out of lust

Love has to arise out of lust

Beloved Master, Even if sometimes love-like feelings arise in my heart, immediately the next moment I start feeling 'this is not love, this is not love at all. It is all my hidden cravings for sex and all that'. //Osho:// So what is wrong in it? Love...

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Humeurs Célestes, septembre 2010

Humeurs Célestes, septembre 2010

SEPTEMBRE 2010 ON A BEAU DIRE… Bon automne à nous tous. Bien sûr, les tensions dans le ciel astrologique demeurent présentes. Mais les liens sont légèrement moins serrés cet automne. Profitez de ces accalmies pour voir et vous relier aux filons positifs...

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What has happened to smell ?

What has happened to smell ?

ONCE MEDITATION SETTLES IN YOU, and you fall into rhythm with existence, COMPASSION IS A CONSEQUENCE. Suddenly you feel you are in love with the whole, and the other is no more the other -- in the other also you live. And the tree is no more just the...

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