Publié le par osho canada


What are the roots of violence? 
What are the politics behind every war? 
What is the source of personal anguish?

Osho’s illuminating commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, one of the most famous of Hindu scriptures, explains how the patterns and conditionings of human consciousness create pain and misery, conflict and war.

Absolutely timely and relevant to the 21st Century condition.
´Krishna's Bhagavad Gita has been very influential. The first reason is that Krishna's Gita is a synthesis. He is more concerned with synthesis than with truth. The desire for synthesis is so strong that if necessary Krishna doesn't mind sacrificing the truth a little.
Krishna entered into his innermost core of being, out came the beautiful Bhagavad Gita, the celestial song. ...
When you are seeking in the scriptures. you are seeking theories and not truth -- and truth is original, HAS to be original.

The truth has to be born in you, it cannot be borrowed.

´What is Krishna teaching to Arjuna in Srimad Bhagavad Gita?

The whole teaching can be condensed into one thing, into one essential point - that you need not be a doer. Let God do it.
  Arjuna was worried, naturally, because he was thinking that it was a decision to be made by him - whether to fight or not, whether to kill or not, whether to go into this massacre or not. It was going to be a great war, many would be killed, it was going to be murderous. And he started thinking, and he became worried whether it was worth it. A great religious idea arose in his mind that this was too violent and meaningless and what was one going to gain by it? It was not worth it. He became very, very depressed by the whole idea. He fell into despair.

"A person who himself is eager for war doesn't care to see whether the opponent is eager to fight or not. A person who is 
eager for war is blind. He doesn't want to look at the enemy -- in fact, whomsoever he meets is an enemy for him. He creates, he projects the enemy. When a battle is raging within, enemies appear on the outside."

The world is the truth seen through the medium of time. The truth is the world seen through the medium of timelessness.
The Gita is an inner happening and is beyond the periphery of time.

“As these transgressions increase,
the women of the clan become corrupt.
And once our women are corrupt, O Krishna,
descendant of the Vrishni clan,
spurious births take place.
“These spurious offspring, these destroyers of the clan,
are simply doors to hell.
And their forefathers also fall
because the ritual offerings to them 
have been forgotten.
“The good and ancient traditions of the clan and its lineage
disappear because of these defects
caused by such clan-destroying offspring.
“O Krishna, those who have lost their noble clan traditions 
dwell forever in hell.
Thus I have heard.”

Looking this way and that, Arjuna is trying to discover all the things that can go wrong if there is a war. His mind sees many evils. He is not only thinking of now, but of the future – what will happen to their offspring, how the purity of their caste will be corrupted, how their ancient religion will perish…he is foreseeing all these things.
It all seems very strange. Why is he suddenly worrying about all of this? But if you take a look at the anti-war literature of Bertrand Russell and others like him in the West, you will be amazed. They are all saying the same things: that children will be handicapped, that systems will collapse, that civilization will be destroyed, that religion and culture will be lost. The thoughts that are bothering Arjuna here bothered the pacifists after the destruction of Hiroshima. I am saying “pacifists”.

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