Books I have loved...

Publié le par osho canada

from the Osho Times Logo

by Osho

Fifth...I come to one of the strangest moments in this series. There is a book called At the Feet of the Master. The name of the author as given is Jiddhu Krishnamurti, but Krishnamurti says he does not even remember having written it. It was written long, long ago, back when Krishnamurti was only somewhere between nine and ten years old. How can he remember all that time ago when it was published? But it is a great work.

I want to disclose for the first time to the world who the real author is: Annie Besant. Annie Besant wrote the book, not Krishnamurti. Then why did she not call it her own work? There was a reason behind it. She wanted Krishnamurti to be known to the world as a master. It was just a mother’s ambition. She had brought up Krishnamurti, and she loved him just as any mother loves her own child. Her only desire in her old age was that Krishnamurti become a world teacher, Jagatguru. Now, how could Krishnamurti be declared a world teacher if he has nothing to say to the world? In this book, At the Feet of the Master, she tried to fulfill that demand.

Krishnamurti is not the author of that book. He himself says he does not remember ever having written it. He is a sincere man, true and honest, but the book is still being sold in his name. He should prevent it. He should make it clear to the publishers of the book that he is not the author of it. If they want to publish it, then publish it anonymously. But he has not done that. That’s what makes me say he is still in the ninth picture of the ten cards of Zen, the Ten Zen Bulls. He cannot deny it, he simply says he cannot remember. Deny it! Say it is not your work.

But the book is beautiful. In fact anybody would be proud to have written it. Those who want to travel the path and be in tune with a master must study At the Feet of the Master. I say study, not read, because one reads fiction, or spiritual fictions like Lobsang Rampa and his dozens of books, or the books of so many fictitious people. There are many around today, because there is a need, a market. Anybody can be a master now....

Baba Freejohn...I laugh. What a degradation! Even Freejohn, who has now changed not himself, only his name.... He no longer calls himself baba. He used to call himself baba because he was a disciple of Baba Muktananda. In India, out of love a master is called baba, so he started calling himself baba. But then, realizing that it was imitative, he dropped it. He now calls himself Dada Freejohn. It is the same; whether dada or baba, it is all nonsense. But these people are all around. Beware of them. Unless you are totally clear, there is every possibility of being caught in somebody’s net.

Copyright © 2008 Osho International Foundation

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