The only way of attaining freedom is to follow your nature

Publié le par osho canada


    One of the most significant statements ever: "LOOK INTO YOUR HEART. FOLLOW YOUR NATURE."
    BUDDHA IS NOT SAYING FOLLOW SCRIPTURE. He is not saying FOLLOW ME. He is not saying follow CERTAIN RULES OF CONDUCT. He is not teaching you ANY MORALITY. He is not trying to create a certain character around you -- because all characters are beautiful prison cells. He is not giving you a certain way of life.
     Rather he is giving you courage, encouragement, to follow your own nature. He wants you to be brave enough to LISTEN TO YOUR OWN HEART AND GO ACCORDINGLY. "Follow your nature" means flow with yourself. You are the scripture... and hidden deep down within you is a still, small voice. IF YOU BECOME SILENT, YOU WILL BE GUIDED FROM THERE.
    THE MASTER HAS ONLY TO MAKE YOU AWARE OF YOUR INNER MASTER. Then his function is fulfilled. Then he can leave you to yourself; he can throw you back upon yourself.
    A MASTER IS NOT TO ENSLAVE THE DISCIPLE; A MASTER IS TO FREE HIM, to give him total freedom. And this is the only possibility of attaining total freedom: FOLLOW YOUR NATURE.
    By "nature" Buddha means dhamma. Just as it is the nature of water to flow downwards and it is the nature of fire to rise upwards, so THERE IS A CERTAIN NATURE HIDDEN IN YOU. If all the conditionings that have been put around you by the society are removed, suddenly you will discover your nature. Your nature is to become God. Aes dhammo sanantano -- this is the eternal, inexhaustible law: YOUR NATURE IS TO BECOME GOD.
    Man is a potential god -- bodhisattva. Man is meant to become a god. Less than that won't satisfy you, less than that is of no use. You can have all the money of the world, all the power, all the prestige possible, and STILL YOU WILL REMAIN EMPTY -- UNLESS YOUR DIVINE NATURE FLOWERS, opens its buds. Unless you become a lotus, a one-thousand-petaled lotus, unless your divinity is revealed to you, you can never be contented.
    THE ORDINARY RELIGIOUS PERSON IS TOLD TO REMAIN SATISFIED, contented, with whatsoever is the case. The so-called religious saints go on teaching people: Be satisfied. Satisfaction is one of their fundamental teachings. That is not the way of the true Masters.
    THE TRUE MASTER CREATES DISCONTENT IN YOU -- and such a discontent that nothing of this world can ever satisfy it. He creates such a longing in you, that unless you attain to the ultimate you will remain aflame, afire. He creates pain in your heart, he creates anguish... because life is slipping by every moment, and each moment gone is gone forever, and you have not attained to God yet, and one day is over.
    He creates such a deep longing in you, such pain in the heart! He creates tears in your eyes, because ONLY THROUGH SUCH DIVINE DISCONTENT you will move, WILL YOU TAKE the quantum leap, THE ULTIMATE JUMP INTO THE UNKNOWN. It is only through such divine discontent that you will gather together all your energies, and you will risk, and you will go on the ultimate adventure of finding who you are.
The Dhammapada: The Way Of The Buddha
Vol 1, Ch #3: True or false
am in Buddha Hall

posteb by Subhuti at RiverIIOsho

Publié dans OSHO QUOTES

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