Love Love Love

Publié le par osho canada

LOVE IS MY WHOLE MESSAGE. It contains all that is significant in all the religions of the world. Buddha, Jesus, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Krishna essentially taught love.

THOSE WHO CAN LOVE DON'T NEED ANY OTHER DOCTRINE, any other dogma. They don't need to go to any church or temple. Love is their God and love is their temple and love is their life. Love is their very flavor, their very lifestyle.

JUST A SINGLE DROP OF LOVE IS ENOUGH TO GIVE YOU THE TASTE OF ETERNITY. And a single moment of love is enough to give you the vision of that which is BEYOND TIME, BEYOND DEATH AND BEYOND MIND. Love is the most precious thing in existence.

LOSE EVERYTHING FOR LOVE, BUT NEVER LOSE LOVE FOR ANYTHING. Sacrifice everything on the altar of love, but never sacrifice love for anything. That's the only religion I teach.

The Rainbow Bridge
Ch #13, a darshan diary
pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

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