It is because of repression that man remains weak, divided‏

Publié le par osho canada

185278.jpgMan need not have ANY unconscious. IT IS BECAUSE OF REPRESSION that man has become divided between conscious and unconscious. It is the great work of your so-called society; it is a conspiracy against man. ONCE MAN IS DIVIDED HE STARTS BECOMING A WEAKLING, because he starts fighting within himself. He is split, he goes schizophrenic. And the man who is split can never be a master of himself.
    And that's what your so-called society wants everybody to be: never to be a master but always to be a slave. THE SOCIETY NEEDS SLAVES. And by 'the society' I mean the conspiracy of the priests, the politicians, the power-hungry people. SOCIETY IS A CONSPIRACY OF THE POWER-OBSESSED PEOPLE, and their basic strategy is to divide man from the very beginning.
    AND HOW THEY HAVE DIVIDED MAN? They have told you not to accept yourself in your totality. They have told you that much is wrong in you -- in fact the major part of your being, of your wholeness, is wrong. That wrong part has to be denied expression, that wrong part has to be repressed.
    AND ONCE YOU START REPRESSING ANYTHING IN YOURSELF, A RIFT IS CREATED. Then you go on repressing all problems, and you go on sitting on the volcano -- thinking everything is okay, believing everything is okay, and knowing all the time that nothing is okay. Deep down, there is fire; and it is going to erupt any moment.
    THEN PEOPLE GO NEUROTIC, PSYCHOTIC. Then people suffer millions of diseases -- unnecessarily. But it serves the vested interests. It serves the capitalist society, it serves the communist society; it serves the Catholic church, it serves the Hindu, the Mohammedan priesthood. It serves all those who are in power.
    MAN REMAINS SHAKY, TREMBLING, WEAK, DIVIDED. And man cannot assert himself, cannot stand on his own -- he needs somebody to depend upon. He seeks and searches for tyrants -- without tyrants he cannot live. He cannot live without governments and he cannot live without the leaders.
    And look what your leaders and your governments, your churches and your priests have done. Just look at history and you will see that THE WHOLE HISTORY OF MAN UP TO NOW HAS BEEN UTTERLY UGLY. It has not been human at all.
Philosophia Perennis
Vol 2, Ch #8: Escape to Reality
am in Buddha Hall

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