Once you know how to let go, you know all that is worth knowing‏

Publié le par osho canada

osho-beautiful.jpgA monk rushed into Tokai's bedroom, shouting: 'A fire, Master, a fire!' 'Oh?' said Tokai, sitting up. 'Where?'
    'Where?' exclaimed the monk. 'Why, under the kitchen floor -- get up at once!' '
    The kitchen, eh?' said the master drowsily. 'Well, tell you what, when it reaches the passageway, come back and let me know.'

    When it has become part of the present, then let me know. It is still in the future -- don't bother me.
    Tokai was snoring again in no time.
    THIS IS THE QUALITY OF AN ENLIGHTENED PERSON: so relaxed that although a fire is burning in the kitchen, the house is catching fire -- everybody is excited and running around, nobody knows what is going to happen, everything is a mess -- he can relax and go to sleep again. He was snoring in no time.
    This non-tenseness must come out of, has to come out of, A DEEP TRUST THAT WHATSOEVER HAPPENS IS GOOD. He is not worried -- EVEN IF HE DIES, HE IS NOT WORRIED; even if the fire comes and burns him, he is not worried -- because he is no more. The ego is not there; otherwise there will be fear, there will be worry, there will be future, there will be planning, there will be desire to escape, to save oneself. HE IS NOT WORRIED; he simply falls back into sleep, relaxed.
    THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY OF RELAXATION if you have a mind and the ego; the ego is the center of the mind. You will be tense, you will remain tense. How to relax? Is there any way to relax? There is no way unless understanding is there. IF YOU UNDERSTAND THE NATURE OF THE WORLD, the nature of the very existence, then who are you to worry, and why be in a worried state continuously?
    NOBODY ASKED YOU about being born, nobody is going to ask you when the time comes for you to be taken away. Then why be worried? Birth happened to you; death will happen to you; who are you to come in between?
    THINGS ARE HAPPENING. You feel hunger, you feel love, you feel anger -- everything happens to you. YOU ARE NOT A DOER, nature takes care. You eat and nature digests it; you need not bother about it: about how the stomach is functioning, how the food is going to become blood. If you become too tense about it, you will have ulcers -- and king-size ulcers, not ordinary ones. NO NEED TO WORRY.
    The whole is moving. The vast ocean, the infinite is moving. You are just a wave in it. RELAX, AND LET THINGS BE.
    ONCE YOU KNOW HOW TO LET GO, you have known all that is worth knowing. If you don't know how to let go, whatsoever you know is worthless, it is rubbish.
And The Flowers Showered
Ch #7: Temple fire
am in Buddha Hall

Publié dans OSHO QUOTES

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