Thanksgiving message : and one is simply grateful because one is....

Publié le par osho canada

AND ONE IS GRATEFUL BECAUSE ONE IS, one is grateful because the universe is. One is grateful because the sun rises, and the birds sing, and the flowers bloom, and the clouds float, and in the night the sky becomes full of stars. One is simply grateful because there are mountains and rivers and oceans and deserts. One is simply grateful because there are animals and human beings. Such an incredible existence, so far out! Such a celebration -- so psychedelic, so colorful! Such a dance of energy!
    WHEN FEELING IT YOU SIMPLY BOW DOWN, you simply bow down on the earth. Not in a temple, not in a mosque, not in a gurudwara, not in a church -- they are all man-made. When you simply bow down before the sky, before the sunset -- with no motive... What can you ask from a sunset? You cannot ask for money, you cannot ask for power, you cannot ask for prestige. It will look so stupid! What can you ask from a tree?
    But when you go in a temple, in a church, you start asking for these things. Your prayer is rooted in some motive. AND A PRAYER ROOTED IN ANY MOTIVE IS UGLY, a prayer addressed to somebody is ugly. But just a prayerfulness, a thankfulness, a pure gratitude... THE SHEER JOY that we are part of such a mysterious existence!
Be Still and Know
Ch #3: No question, no answer
am in Buddha Hall

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