Without pornography, people will explode into insanity‏

Publié le par osho canada



PORNOGRAPHY IS A HELP IN TWO WAYS. It is a help for the victims of the priests. The victims need it; otherwise they will go crazy, they will go mad. THE PORNOGRAPHY KEEPS THEM SANE. It serves a great humanitarian purpose. You may not have thought about it in that way, but pornography serves a great purpose: it keeps people a little bit sane and healthy, because then their sexuality can have an underground outlet. If you close all the outlets, then people will start exploding into insanity.

AND IF PORNOGRAPHY IS ALLOWED, ACCEPTED -- in movies, on TV, in films, in magazines, in books -- it will help people to come out of their hiding places. IT WILL BE BENEFICIAL. It will help people to talk about sex more clearly, more truly, more sincerely. Sex will not be a taboo anymore. And whenever something comes in the open, great changes happen.

BRING YOUR INNER BEING OUT INTO THE OPEN -- in the wind, in the sun, in the rain -- and you will be surprised: you are becoming cleaner, purer, weightless. Your understanding grows, your integrity grows, your self-respect grows, your independence grows, and you become less and less dependent on others: political leaders, religious priests.

In my vision of life, THE WORLD WILL BE A BEAUTIFUL WORLD If we can get rid of politicians and priests. These are the people who are not allowing humanity to live its life totally.

Yes, Silvera, PORNOGRAPHY CAN HELP: it can finally bring sex out into the open. And if people start discussing it openly, frankly, without holding anything back, without any prejudices, condemnations... Because it is a natural phenomenon -- as natural as the flowers, as natural as the stars.

IF PEOPLE START TALKING ABOUT SEX AND STUDYING IT NATURALLY, without any guilt, two things will happen. The most strange thing will be that PORNOGRAPHY WILL DISAPPEAR. Who is interested in a nude picture if he can attain orgasmic joy with a woman? Unless he is utterly stupid, why he should be interested? A picture is just a picture. There is nothing, nobody -- just few colors and few lines arranged in a certain way. You are not deceived by food in a picture; you don't carry that picture close to your heart, thinking that whenever you are hungry you will look at the picture and it is going to satisfy you. But you go on carrying nude pictures close to your heart. The man who thinks that he can nourish himself and live on this 'nourishment' by looking at pictures of delicious food is a fool. And so is the person who thinks that by carrying nude pictures he can have any insight into the ultimate height of sex, into orgasmic experience....

If pornography becomes an accepted thing, one thing will be... And there is nothing wrong in it. If somebody enjoys seeing a nude picture, IT IS NOBODY ELSE'S BUSINESS TO INTERFERE. Neither the law nor the government nor the police have any right to interfere. If he enjoys it, he is simply enjoying a picture; he is not interfering with anybody's life. But he seems to be doing something wrong. In fact, enjoyment has become wrong.

FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS WE HAVE BEEN TOLD that to enjoy oneself is something sinful. To be miserable is okay, to be joyous is wrong. So we destroy people's joy in every possible way, we interfere in their private lives. Now, this is absolutely personal -- a person enjoying a nude picture; IT IS NOBODY'S BUSINESS to come into it. But the police are there, the magistrate is there, the law is there, the government is there, the priest is there, and the whole crowd... just because he is enjoying a picture. And he is enjoying the picture because of these same people! THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE CREATED THE WHOLE PROBLEM. First they create the problem, and then they are there to advise you how to get rid of it.

TWO MEN USED TO DO A BUSINESS -- they were partners. The first would come into a town and in the night throw coal tar on people's windows and doors. And after three, four days the second would come to clean it off. If anybody wanted him to, he was ready to clean off the coal tar, he would clean it off. By that time the other partner would be destroying some other town. This way they earned much money. A beautiful job, no investment! One goes on destroying people's windowpanes, and the other comes to clean them.

This is what your priests, your police, your politicians, have been doing down the ages: THEY DESTROY YOU, AND THEN THEY ARE READY TO HELP YOU. They throw you in the mud and then they are there, great saviors, to save you. Who has thrown you into the mud in the first place? But then, if you are not thrown in the mud, they can't be the saviors. To be saviors they have to throw you into the mud first, and then they will save you -- and their names will remain in history and they will be talked about for centuries as great men.

I love the ordinary, the natural, the simple man. I have no respect for your great men, the so-called great men. I HAVE TREMENDOUS RESPECT FOR THE ORDINARY, NATURAL HUMAN BEING.

Pornography can be of great help -- it will help you to get rid of your priests -- but pornography alone won't be much of an inner growth. You will have to seek, inquire, into your sexual energy far more deeply. YOU WILL HAVE TO TRAVEL TO THE DEEPEST CORE OF YOUR BEING and find out what it is that attracts you.

The White Lotus
Ch #10: A Love Affair With the Universe
am in Buddha Hall

Publié dans OSHO QUOTES

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