Gee You Are You ! by Krishna Prem

Publié le par osho canada

Chapter 1

The search for "It"

We're all searching for something….whether it's Mr. or Mrs. Right, butt loads of cash, the hottest wheels on the road, CEO status, supermodel legs….or ultimate orgasm! We may be looking for the wildest, craziest, most happening party scene or just a simple, quiet life! Whether we know it or not, we're all chasing something. I mean, how many people do you know who can honestly say, "I don't want anything!" Huh? Any? So, if we could boil down our search to just one word, what would it be? Love? Peace? Happiness? Security? Fulfilment? Perfection? Home? It?

See, the strange thing is, we all know there's something more, only we don't know quite what it is or quite where to look! Some of us think we do know what we want, only to discover once it lands on our doorstep, that "that's not really it either!" And, although we all seem to be following different goals and pursuits, we're ultimately all searching for that same mysterious, elusive thing, call it what you like! Only we're all searching in different ways, peeking round different corners and traveling at different speeds! Some of us are just casually wandering through life, turning over the odd stone every now and then to see what's underneath, while others of us are on a single-pointed "mission", and are madly ripping the place apart, diving into every nook and cranny. I guess those of us who aren't really bothered will just take the slow boat to China, while those of us who are really desperate will leap on the Orient Express. But either way, we're all searching for the answer to a question we don't even know! Well, that question is "Who are you?" and the answer is "you are already you!"

So why, you might ask, is there any point searching for something we already are? I mean, how dumb is that? And I would have to agree with you, only just because we've read something is so, doesn't mean we know it is so, and there's a whole Kilamanjaro of difference in that! And why, we might also ask, is this searching business all so arduous and mysterious? Well, it's not actually, it just appears that way. Paradoxically, coming to know U are U, is the hardest yet simplest thing you will ever do. I guess it's like long jump, the run-up itself takes a bit of effort, but once you're in the air - it's pretty much plain sailing!

Ironically, the search only seems difficult because we're not used to doing simple things! Looking for who we are is like a fish in the ocean looking for water. It's like looking for our own eyes. It's like shining a lamp in a cave and looking for the light! It's there, right there, and we know it's there, only somehow we just can't find it! Why? Because we're wearing dark glasses, because we have a filter over our eyes which stops us from seeing clearly what's right under our nose, and this filter is our very own mind and our thinking. As long as we think we know who we are, we won't be able to recognize who we are!

Essentially, until we know who we are, we will continue searching. Until our belly is full, we will remain hungry. Until we have the answers to the questions, "What is life?", "What is death?" and "Why on earth am I here?" we will keep questioning. Only when we are found, will the questions disappear and the answers with them! The fish in the sea is not thirsty and the real you is not hungry either!

Gee, you are you!

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