Trust that you have entered the temple of meditation

Publié le par osho canada

Beloved Master,

For the past few weeks, I have been able to sit and allow my mind to be quiet -- sometimes for only a second, but sometimes for longer. Since this has been happening, I have experienced many beautiful spaces, as if this quietness somehow invites the universe in. Inside these glimpses there is no doubt, no 'me' to doubt. Coming out, I doubt.
I do not know whether this doubt comes from my mind or simply from an inner knowledge that there is yet so much more. Master, can I trust that I am moving into meditation, or is my mind cunning enough to make
me believe that I am?

Antar Devopama,

Mind is capable of creating all kinds of illusions, hallucinations. But MIND IS NOT CAPABLE OF CREATING THE ILLUSION OF MEDITATION, for the simple reason that MEDITATION IS AN ABSENCE OF MIND. All other
illusions, hallucinations, need mind to be present; they are mind projections. ONLY MEDITATION IS BEYOND THE CAPACITY OF MIND.

Because it is beyond the mind, mind has no experience of meditation -- it cannot delude you. IF YOU ARE FEELING MEDITATIVE, silent,  thoughtless, innocent, a pure space, YOU CAN TRUST THAT YOU HAVE ENTERED THE TEMPLE OF MEDITATION. Mind is certainly cunning, but there is a limit to that cunningness, and mind finds that limit in meditation. MEDITATION ACTUALLY IS THE DEATH OF THE MIND; the mind cannot manage it.

 So if something of meditation is happening, you can trust it totally. The question arises only when you come back to the mind. Your meditation is only for few moments, then you are back to the mind; and mind starts creating distrust. THAT IS THE NATURE OF MIND: TO CREATE DISTRUST. It starts creating questions. But when you are in meditation -- those few moments -- mind cannot speak at all. For those few moments,mind virtually does not exist; its function stops.

 A Catholicpriest, a Protestant minister, and a Jewish rabbi met on a golf course and decided to bet on who would win their game. But first they had to decide what proportion of their winnings should be given back to God.

"Let us draw a small circle on the ground, throw our winnings up in the air, and what lands in the circle goes to God," the Catholic priest suggested.

"No, let us draw a large circle," said the Protestant minister, "throw the money up, and what lands outside the circle will go to God."

"Wait," cried the rabbi. "Forget all about circles. Let us throw the money up, and what stays up God can keep."

Mind is very clever. But as far as meditation is concerned, mind is absolutely impotent.

The Rebel
Ch #2: Beyond the capacity of the mind
in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
[part 1 of 5]

Posted by: "Sw. Amrit Subhuti"  

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